This is a debate that has been going on forever. Were LGBT people born that way or was it something that developed because of the life experiences they have had. Both sides of the argument have valid points but no one can definitively say if it is nurture or nature.
It is almost humorous to look back at my life and realize I used to STRONGLY believe that it was nurture. I did not believe that anyone was born gay. I had brainwashed myself into believing that being gay was a choice. I used to think gay people were gay because of things like being molested by another man, liking feminine things, watching porn, distant fathers, not being athletic, and who knows what else "causes" homosexuality. I feared that I was a homosexual and yet I was very homophobic. I made fun of the gay guys at my school and thought they were disgusting.
Times have changed though. It used to be socially acceptable to be homophobic, but now it seems to be quite the opposite. If people make homophobic comments in public then they tend to get crucified by those around them. Look at how far we have marriage is legal in the United States!
Society has changed immensely in a short amount of time and I have change myself (in case you didn't already know that). Now, to answer the question of nurture vs nature. I don't think I want to definitively pose any absolutes about this topic, but I will say this: I know I was born this way! There is no doubt in my mind that I was born gay. I finally came to that conclusion one night many years ago when I was reading a book about being gay and Mormon and how to make sense of it all. The author was talking about this subject and all of the sudden I had the strongest impression that I knew I was born this way. Before I came to this earth I knew I was going to be gay and I accepted this because I understood that I would learn and grow from the experiences that being gay would allow me to go through. I could finally look back on my life and see that being gay was not a "condition" that started at some point in my life. Being gay is who I am and it is not a learned trait. I can look at my much younger self and just laugh because it is so obvious to me now.
Does that mean that everyone is born gay? I do believe most, if not all, people are born the way they are. For those of your reading that are straight, when did you decide to be straight? What made you decide to be straight? What life experiences led you to want to be with the opposite gender? You never had to make that decision. It was how you were born. Same with me, and same with most all others in the world.
I am different from the majority of the population because I like my men. I like them tall, muscular, smart, funny, cute, and if they have pretty eyes they will melt my heart. Lets celebrate our differences and love each other for who we are and not for who we decide to sleep next to.
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